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Heavy, bulky, and costly. I come in the form of a bench-top box with a display screen, and many say I resemble an old television or a microwave. Who am I? If you guessed a conventional oscilloscope, you’ve got the right answer! However, today we’re not here to talk about how complex an oscilloscope is and how much manual work it requires to configure. Quite the opposite. It is time for you to be acquainted with Introspect Technology’s PurVue Analyzer, embedded real-time oscilloscope for the SV6E-X Mid-Frequency Digital Test Module.

The PurVue Analyzer – pronounced “pure view” – stems from the SV6E-X Mid-Frequency Digital Test Module, which is an all-inclusive solution for mid-frequency digital interface development and test, combining a protocol exerciser, protocol analyzer, and device programmer. The PurVue Analyzer is then an optional but significant component for the SV6E-X. The product allows users to obtain a real-time single-shot view of all I3C signals.

Simply put, the PurVue Analyzer is an embedded 500 MHz, 12-bit I3C protocol-triggered real-time oscilloscope with 2 simultaneous channels. It provides internal probing of SCL and SDA signals within the portable SV6E-X Mid-Frequency Digital Test Module, thus eliminating the need for external active probes or benchtop oscilloscopes. Plus, the set-up is intuitive thanks to the Pinetree software.

It has become more and more evident that a user-friendly oscilloscope was needed to answer the needs of our customers and make the overall testing processes smoother than the current testing methods. So, with customer experience and efficiency in mind, Introspect Technology set out to create a product that addresses a major gap in equipment availability for the validation, characterization, and system-level debug of I3C-based implementations.

The 5 features of the PurVue Analyzer™ you should know about:

1. Bandwidth, Sampling Rate, and Resolution: The PurVue Analyzer Reaches a 500 MHz bandwidth, 1 Gsps sampling rate, 12-bit resolution on 2 simultaneous channels (one for SCL and one for SDA). This is some serious benchtop performance, and it does not even require external active probes.

2. Protocol-Based Hardware Triggers: This embedded oscilloscope is the opposite of protocol-decode on conventional oscilloscopes. It is protocol based in that it can be triggered by the full protocol analyzer core of the SV6E-X and leverages the entire list of event triggers. The PurVue Analyzer™ provides complete protocol-based control on when to capture a real-time oscilloscope waveform. For example, the user can program the SV6E-X to start capturing whenever a transaction X is seen on the bus.

3. Exact Time Correlation Between Analog and Digital: The new embedded oscilloscope provides exact time-correlated analog and digital measurements in a single instrument. That’s a real-time, single-shot view of all I3C signals. Pristine signal measurement with no artifacts showing from probes picking up noise from Wi-Fi or RF signals, allows the user more accuracy in their measurement results. Best of all, it eliminates the need for a conventional benchtop oscilloscope and external active probes. 

4. User-Friendly: How about carrying out your signal measurement test from home, or from any location that has a power source? That’s right – the SV6E-X and PurVue Analyzer fits into your bag and can easily be set-up anywhere with a laptop. The PurVue Analyzer is completely integrated with the Pinetree software and enables interactive operation or full automation. All together, this product was designed with user-experience in mind for ease of capturing data.

5. Unlimited Mathematical Processing: It leverages the Python libraries within the Pinetree software to provide complete control on the types of measurements that are performed. All the processing is automatically done with the software. Because of the tool’s flexibility, users can also capture raw information and process it later on their own if needed.

Complete I3C Test Solution

As if the SV6E-X was not a genius of a product already, the addition of the embedded real-time oscilloscope comes to make it a complete solution for complex testing & characterization and design validation of I3C interfaces. The PurVue Analyzer license is available now as an upgrade to existing SV6E-X devices, or it can be selected as an option on new SV6E-X device purchases. This new portable oscilloscope may be in its debut phase, but its capability has been both a long time coming and is the future of I3C testing & measurement.

Looking for more information on the PurVue Analyzer™? Send us an email at

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