Like other industries, the medical equipment and robotics industry incorporates ever increasing digital content, with technologies such as high-resolution imaging, vision and image signal processing, augmented reality, and high-definition digital displays.
Equipment manufacturers need reliable, cost-effective, and easy-to-use tools for verifying and testing the various high-speed digital (SerDes) interfaces on their systems, whether these be the high-resolution ADC SerDes outputs, the image sensor interfaces, or the display driver cables. Introspect Technology’s unique tools lend themselves extremely well to design validation and production testing of sub-assemblies and entire systems in the medical equipment field. Our tools are developed in lockstep with the semiconductor device manufacturers who supply parts to the medical industry, thus inserting confidence and certainty into test station design and programming.
To test our serial communications cables in our latest imaging equipment, we surveyed the electronics measurement market and found that Introspect Technology was the only vendor that gave us a complete integrated stimulus/capture solution and a highly intuitive user interface.