Montreal, Canada, August 11, 2022 – Introspect Technology, leading manufacturer of test and measurement tools for high-speed digital applications, is pleased to announce that we have been nominated for two prestigious Electronics Industry Awards. The first is in the Business Awards category, where Introspect is nominated for Excellence in Innovation. The second nomination is in the Product Awards category, for our I3C PurVue AnalyzerTM – the oscilloscope you can take anywhere – which is up for a Test Measurement & Inspection Product of the Year award.

To help us win, we ask for your votes. Voting is possible for anyone, and it can be submitted on the Electronics Industry Awards website until August 25, 2022. We urge all of our colleagues and valued customers to support Introspect Technology!

Why Introspect Merits the Excellence in Innovation Award:

With year after year of innovative product introductions such as the 40-lane physical layer tester in a handheld formfactor, the different MIPI D-PHY and C-PHY generators, the world’s first two-port MIPI generator, the world’s first MIPI DSI-2 protocol analyzer, and our JEDEC DDR5 solutions, our team continues to find incredible ways of miniaturizing our equipment, creating new features in them, and delighting our customers with their use. The team is keenly interested in solving the world’s most complex measurement problems where we routinely think about phenomena spanning a few femtoseconds (1 / 1 quadrillionth of a second) of timescales and trillions of bytes of data. We iterate on designs often, and we keep leveraging intellectual property and transferring it among the different generations of products. For example, our MIPI products are now running on three generations, and the same is true for our JEDEC products. 

Simply stated, we use today’s technology to enable tomorrow’s technology, and this is by no means possible without invention and creativity. The Introspect team innovates in a culture of excellence and of high performance. The flat hierarchical structure allows our team to make silos disappear, encouraging collaboration across all specialties involved in the designing and manufacturing of our products. We posit that it is not possible for our company to succeed unless every aspect of our operation is replete with excellence in innovation.


Why Introspect’s I3C PurVue Analyzer Merits the Test Measurement & Inspection Product of the Year Award: 

The essence of the Introspect Technology I3C PurVue AnalyzerTM is that it combines two standalone instruments into one:

It takes the powerful protocol analyzer of the SV4E-I3C I3C Test and Debug Module and adds a complete high-resolution real-time oscilloscope that simultaneously samples the protocol analyzer inputs. In other words, it is an embedded 500 MHz, 12-bit I3C protocol-triggered real-time oscilloscope with 2 simultaneous channels. It provides internal probing of SCL and SDA signals within the SV4E-I3C I3C Test and Debug Module, thus eliminating the need for external active probes or bench-top oscilloscopes. It is a license that can be purchased as an upgrade to existing SV4E-I3C devices, or it can be selected as a purchase option on new SV4E-I3C device purchases.

The rich capability of the SV4E-I3C to operate in both controller and target modes has already made it an indispensable tool for design, validation, and software engineers focused on creating sensor or control components. With the addition of the PurVue Analyzer™ option, the SV4E-I3C becomes the most complete solution for design validation and conformance testing of I3C interfaces. Literally, no other equipment is needed to completely validate and characterize an I3C based component or bus. We strongly believe the PurVue AnalyzerTM will be the driving force in innovation and measurement for the years to come. As is evident with its performance, innovation and impact on the market, this product truly merits the Test, Measurement and Inspection product of the year based on its unprecedented ingenuity.


Show Your Support: Vote for Introspect Technology!


If you think we are deserving of industry recognition for our innovative test and measurement products, please vote for Introspect Technology today — your votes are much appreciated! Simply look for the “Business Awards” and “Product Awards” sections, and vote for Introspect Technology.

About the Electronics Industry Awards

The Electronics Industry Awards, organized by Components in Electronics (CIE) publisher Datateam Business Media, is back for 2022 to celebrate the very best professionals, products, projects and companies from across the electronics sector.

Now in its fifth year, the awards scheme quickly established itself as a key event on the industry calendar and an Electronics Industry Award trophy now represents a truly unique stamp of approval – separating the winners from their competitors and opening up doors for new business opportunities.

The organizers look forward to giving professionals from across the electronics field a chance to celebrate their collective achievements and rewarding market leaders from across the blossoming sector at the Electronics Industry Awards ceremony at the Grand Connaught Rooms in Covent Garden (London) on Thursday October 27, 2022

About Introspect Technology

Founded in 2012 through self-funding, Introspect Technology designs and manufactures innovative test and measurement equipment for high-speed digital applications. Whether it is the next augmented reality headset or the level-4 autonomy engine in a mobility solution, our award-winning tools are used to develop, test, and manufacture next-generation products. In short, we help the leading global technology companies make tomorrow’s technology today’s possibility.

Electronic Industry Awards - We've been nominated!

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