MIPI Alliance hosted a Demo Day in Taipei as part of the week-long MIPI Member Meeting Asia #67. MIPI members showcased their innovative solutions with 14 live demos leveraging MIPI specifications. Additionally, members and non-members were invited to attend educational sessions that speak to the future of the latest developments on specifications of MIPI I3C®, CSI-2®, and A-PHY®. 

MIPI 聯盟將在台北舉辦示範日,作為為期一週的第 67 屆 MIPI 亞洲會員大會的一部分。 MIPI 成員將透過 14 場利用 MIPI 規範的現場演示來展示他們的創新解決方案。此外,會員和非會員也受邀參加教育會議,討論 MIPI I3C®、CSI-2® 和 A-PHY® 規範最新發展的未來。


Date: September 11, 2024

Time: 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. TST

Location: Taipei Marriott Hotel


Introspect Presence:

Our team demonstrated its SV5C-DPRXCPRX MIPI D-PHY℠ and C-PHY℠ Analyzer as well as its SV5C-DPTXCPTX MIPI D-PHY and C-PHY Generator with a specific focus on the MIPI CSE℠ protocol and other upcoming specifications. We also demonstrated the SV6E-X Mid-Frequency Digital Test Module performing real tests on MIPI I3C® and MIPI SoundWire® devices.

我們的團隊將示範其 SV5C-DPRXCPRX MIPI D-PHY℠ 和 C-PHY℠ 分析儀以及 SV5C-DPTXCPTX MIPI D-PHY 和 C-PHY碼型產生器,特別關注 MIPI CSE℠ 協定和其他即將推出的規格。我們也將展示 SV6E-X 協定分析儀和訓練器在 MIPI I3C® 和 MIPI SoundWire® 裝置上執行實際功能演示。

Registration for this event is now closed.

Introspect booth at previous MIPI event in Taiwan

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