Montréal, Canada, September 30, 2013 — Introspect Technology has delivered SV1C Personalized SerDes Testers to several leading medical equipment manufacturers looking to create imaging systems, robotics, and communications links. As these applications have started to deploy high-speed Gigabit per Second (Gbps) SerDes technologies, the decision to select Introspect was based on full-featured functionality and ultra compact form factors.

“To test our serial communications cables in our latest imaging equipment, we surveyed the electronics measurement market and found that Introspect Technology was the only vendor that gave us a complete integrated stimulus/capture solution and a highly intuitive user interface,” said David D’Alfonso of Arthrex California Technology Inc. “Not only did we get the functionality we were looking for at a very compelling price point, but the entire purchase experience, from first evaluation to application integration, was seamless,” he elaborated.

Medical equipment subsystems that benefit from the Introspect’s SV1C testers include active optical cable (AOC) assemblies, high-definition imaging and display subsystems, and high-bandwidth data conversion units based on the emerging JESD204B standard for SerDes-based A/D and D/A converters.

Highly-sophisticated and deftly engineered, a single SV1C Personalized SerDes Tester includes independent and parallel bit error rate evaluation, jitter and wander injection, jitter measurement, eye diagram analysis, digital communication signal analysis (oscilloscope analysis), per lane clock recovery, per lane pre-emphasis and equalization, flexible per-lane pattern generation, fractional (non-integer) clock synchronization, and waveform generation across 8 simultaneous lanes and at any data rate up to 14 Gbps.

About Introspect Technology

Introspect Technology offers the most extensible measurement and optimization tools for high-speed digital product engineering teams worldwide. Our portable, software-defined instruments deliver unprecedented productivity enhancement throughout all stages of multi-GHz product development: from bring-up characterization, to system-level integration and optimization. Our mission is to enhance our customers’ competitiveness, product quality, and time-to-market.

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