Title: Testing Parallel Interfaces of the Future: Transmitter and Receiver Test Methods for 28 Gbps and Beyond
Date: Thursday, September 12, 2019
Time: 13:30 – 14:00 EDT
EDI CON ONLINE was a free online 3-day conference designed to provide the latest technical training and information to engineers attending remotely (online) from the comfort of their desks and laboratory benches.
Introspect Technology’s CEO, Dr. Mohamed Hafed, was featured as a speaker on the third day (September 12, 2019 – 1:30-2:00 PM Eastern Time). Dr. Hafed’s presentation covered the methodologies needed to test transmitter and receiver ports running at 28 Gbps and beyond.
Introspect’s Presentation
In his presentation, Dr. Hafed showcased Introspect’s advanced test and validation solutions that allow efficiently testing high speed digital links using protocol-based traffic patterns emulating real system operation.
The presentation made for a fascinating journey of insight into the future of testing parallel interfaces. Dr. Hafed’s presentation was titled, Testing parallel interfaces of the future: transmitter and receiver test methods for 28 Gbps and beyond.
View the Webinar on Demand
On-demand registration to view the presentation can be found at this link.
Who Can Benefit
System architects, digital design engineers, verification engineers, product engineers, test engineers, applications engineers, system integrators, product line managers, and project managers.